Emergency!! 英文翻譯~~贈20點
1)我的好朋友是我的高中時期的同學,她天真善良.為人耿直,她是我的親密閏友.不管何時何地當我需要聽眾或任何開心不開心的事都會與她分享,在別人眼裡我們就像姐妹一樣親密. My good friend is also my highs chool class mate. She is kind and na?ve, and also a very intimate friend of mine. She is my best audience whenever I need to talk to someone. We are like sisters in others’ eyes. 2)影響我最深的人是我老公. 以前的我給人的感覺不容易親近,不熟識的人會很怕我, 但自從和我老公相識以來,他常常提醒我待人處世上應有的態度及如何收斂自己的脾氣,真的很謝謝老天,讓他成為我的生命中最重要的人. My husband influences me the most. I used to be a less enthusiastic person. Those who don’t know me used to keep their distances from me. Ever since I met my husband, he has been constantly reminding me how I should handle relationships in life, and the positive attitude that I ought to have. Thank God that he became the most important person in my life! 3)那是我第一次過著和台灣截然不同的生活,接觸來自世界各地的朋友,在那裡我學習到如何敝開心胸.主動認識朋友,如何親近大自然近而喜歡上它,這是我最深刻也是最難忘的旅程. That was the first time for me to experience a completely different lifestyle to that of Taiwan. Getting in touch with people from all over the world; I learnt how to open my heart, actively meet people, how to become one with the nature. This has been the most unforgettable and precious journey for me. 2007-04-16 09:42:51 補充: 上面的兩位不是一模一樣嘛.... 2007-04-16 09:57:47 補充: 第二題的第一句可以改成: My husband has effected me the most.